Benet Oriol Sàbat

I'm a PhD student at UCLA interested in visual and 3D generative AI.

Current research:
- 3D (NeRF) inpainting.
- Control in image generation.


Previously at:
Jul23-Dec23 Amazon Applied Science Intern   NeRF-Insert: Local 3D editing with multimodal control signals.
Nov21-Aug22   Stanford Research Assistant SALAI-Net. Local ancestry inference and genomic representation learning.
Jun21-Oct21 Amazon Applied Science Intern   Text-to-speech for Alexa.
Jun20-Nov20 IRI Research Intern American Sign Language generation with deep learning.
May19-Apr20 Telefonica    Research Intern Automatic speech recognition and multimodal representation learning.

2022-Today    UCLA          PhD, Computer Science.
2019-2021 UPC MSc, Telecommuncations Engineering.
2015-2019 UPC BSc, Telecommuncations Engineering.

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